International Yoga Day 2022

Did you know that June 21 is International Yoga Day? The day was first created by the United Nations General Assembly in 2014. Yoga is a mental, physical, and spiritual practice that originated in India. This article will tell you the history of International Yoga Day and who is responsible for making it possible. Also, we’ll tell you what the theme for International Yoga Day 2022 is. And of course, you’ll learn who the father of yoga is! So get started, and don’t miss out on this opportunity to spread the love of yoga.

International Yoga Day: HISTORY

In December 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared 21 June to be International Yoga Day. Since then, this day is celebrated in various countries around the world. Today, it is a globally celebrated event that celebrates the benefits of yoga for the body, mind, and spirit. This ancient exercise has become a popular source of exercise and healthful activity for millions of people worldwide. Each yoga ritual helps a person integrate their mind, body, and spirit.

The earliest known practice of yoga dates back to ancient India. The country’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, proposed the creation of an international day to promote the practice of yoga. He explained how Yoga is an ancient Indian tradition and how it creates harmony between man and nature. Following this speech, a resolution was passed at the United Nations General Assembly declaring 21 June as International Yoga Day. It was backed by over one hundred and seventy countries, the largest number ever for a UN resolution.

What Is The Theme For 2022 International Yoga Day?

As a health practice, yoga promotes physical, mental, and social wellbeing. This year’s theme, “Yoga for Humanity,” honors this practice and acknowledges recent world strife. As a way to celebrate this day of yoga. Try yoga to improve your health after the COVID-19 pandemic. It can even help you keep yourself healthy and happy after a disaster.

According to a WHO report, yoga is an essential part of a healthier, more balanced life. People around the world practice yoga to improve their health and well-being. It also promotes good physical and mental health and helps alleviate stress and chronic conditions. The theme aims to promote awareness and participation in Yoga for all humanity.

Who Started International Yoga Day?

Have you ever wondered who started International Yoga Day? It’s an annual celebration that brings yoga to people from around the world. It’s not just an occasion to celebrate yoga, either. The practice has been around for thousands of years. The first recorded instance of yoga being practiced is in India, around the fourth century BC.

In 2015, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed that all countries celebrate the ancient practice of yoga on the shortest day of the year – the Summer Solstice – in June. He made the proposal during a speech at the United Nations, highlighting its importance as an invaluable treasure of ancient Indian history. 177 nations voted in favor of the resolution, which was proclaimed on the longest day of the northern hemisphere.

Who Is The Father Of Yoga?

The ancient Indian practice of yoga was brought to the West by Swami Vivekananda and Madame Blavatsky in the late 1800s. The two were known for propagating esoteric and occult principles as well as an image of the “mystical East.” They influenced other Eastern religions and the Western world by bringing yoga to the west. However, there are many other theories regarding who the father of yoga was and what he achieved.

The earliest and most systematic description of yoga is in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, a collection of 196 verses that describe every aspect of the ancient practice. The purpose of the sutras is to teach us how to balance the elements in our lives and to become enlightened. Patanjali is also regarded as the father of modern yoga. The Yoga Sutras were written for the general public.

What Is The Birthplace Of Yoga?

Known as the origin of yoga, India is an incredible country that boasts a large cultural diversity. The country is the official home of English and Hindi, and it has more than 280 additional languages and eleven hundred dialects. Its landscapes feature deserts, mountains, oceans, and tropical forests. Yoga originated in India, where it was first mentioned in the ancient scripture, the Rig Veda. The practice of yoga has spread around the world since then.

The western world became interested in yoga during the 19th century when Swami Vivekananda traveled to the United States. He described it as the “science of the mind” and translated Yogic texts from Sanskrit into English. He also performed yoga demonstrations at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair and was greeted by other Indian Yogis. Today, yoga is popular in more than 100 countries, and it’s considered an ancient art form.

Also Read: How Yoga Can Help You Look Younger Than Your Age

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